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This short post gathers together a few things I spotted with the various demo’s which might give us a clue of some UI changes.

SuiteBar UI

Interesting to see what I assume is a version of the SuiteBar we can expect to see later this year.


Notice that Projects, Tasks and Oslo have appeared. Projects probably implies Project Online which currently hides in a context menu like in the picture of my tenant SuiteBar.



Sites page

Looks like the sites page might have gained some thumbnail images and a context menu fly out. Funny how this screen grab probably highlights nicely the issue most users will face. The site logo is either the standard SP version or will be set in the branding and thus be identical. Hopefully they will use the algorithms used inside Oslo to bring through something more engaging.



How Office Graph may change the OneDrive views

Below is a grab from the Oslo session which shows how the ‘Shared with me’ might benefit from the Office Graph enhancements.
