Saturday 12th November saw the 2011 SharePoint Saturday at Nottingham’s Conference Centre. Another great event organised with so many quality speakers and companies in attendance.
I presented a session on Social Intranet and the slides can be seen below. I hope everyone found the session useful I certainly enjoyed presenting to such an interactive audience.
SharePoint Saturday putting you at the centre of the intranet
View more presentations from Wes Hackett
Just goes to thank everyone involved in the organisation and planning for the event, it was awesome again
Wow the social section with extending the activity feed for documents, list, sites and the “facebook” like/replys are amazing. This is exactly what we are looking to implement in intranet. I have found out how to add custom activities (google mostly) to the feed but would you have any resources on the other features I mention above?
Shameless plug for my own article extending-the-activity-feed-with-enterprise-content which will show you through adding all the various types. Another shameless plug for the work Chris O’Brien and I worked on for a particular client back in 2010 extending-sharepoint-2010-social.
There are also a whole bunch of third party vendors out there with off the shelf offerings such as Newsgator and Beezy.