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Microsoft recently announced improvements to the ‘Profile’ page in Office365

The image below shows what the new page looks like.


And when viewing someone else


Some observations from this update:

  • The page url has changed to ‘PersonImmersive.aspx’ which is interesting and my gut feel is this might start to help with the unification of Office365 ‘product’ stack into one platform. Think about how Yammer profiles might fit in the future, as we’ve already seen some hints that the Yammer UI will drop inside the Office365 suite bar (the blue strip at the top).
  • Documents in common is pretty awesome, more of that in another post.
  • You no longer get skills and org chart information listed. So again wild speculation time…. I would have a punt that Microsoft are beginning to recognise skills via the Social and Oslo search algorithms and will be pushing this as the way to create skills searches rather than traditional attribute driven profile searching. For me there is a balance between these approaches that needs to remain, most organisations still need formally recognised attributes as well as activity driven information about these people dimensions.
  • The profile fields in ‘edit’ have remained the same as always, in fact we have seen customisations to the native list being reverted to OOTB (ie descriptions going AWOL).
  • This change has altered the view on other ‘MySite’ host pages like OneDrive as the profile picture has been removed. To me this has made it even harder to directly navigate to your profile page unless you search.
  • The master page being used has a 16 major version.
  • For me the presence bar next to the photo is being lost in the visuals.

So that’s a quick brain dump of some random thoughts about this update.